Thursday, February 10, 2011

Muslim Students in Britain Reportedly Taught to Chop Off Hands of Thieves, Hate Jews

Islamic schools across Britain are reportedly teaching their students how to cut off thieves’ hands and that Jews are plotting to take over the world.

One textbook given to 15-year-old students outlines physical punishments for violating Shariah law, according to BBC.

“For thieves their hands will be cut off for a first offence, and their foot for a subsequent offence,” the book says.

Diagrams are given to teenagers detailing where the amputations should be made, The Telegraph reports.

Investigative TV show “Panorama” on BBC One will reportedly present evidence Wednesday night that the textbooks were uncovered at a network of 40 private schools that teach a Saudi Arabian national curriculum.

Textbooks claiming Jews were transformed into pigs and apes have been distributed to up to 5,000 students at weekend schools across England, according to The Telegraph. Another book for 6-year-olds says that people who don’t believe in Islam will suffer “hellfire” in death.

The TV show also found that some private Muslim schools are promoting extremist sentiments on their websites.

Britain’s Education Secretary Michael Gove said such sentiments would not be tolerated. But researchers warn the education system is “not equipped” to handle threats from extremist organizations. The country’s new “free schools” – run by parents, teachers and charities – can be used to indoctrinate students, according to Policy Exchange, a conservative think tank based in London.

BBC says it has uncovered evidence that links the schools to the Saudi embassy, but the embassy vehemently denies any connection.

Click here to read more on this story from The Telegraph.

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